Fate’s Forsaken is a book series by Shae Ford. Book trailer directed by the Deka Brothers, produced by Michael Manasseri (Flux Capacitor) and Adam Cushman & Rocco Rivetti (Film-14).
Staring: Zak Hallett, Voiceover by Auday Putrus (VO Talent Agent Tony DiMambro of The IGroup).
Music by Thibault Chaumont.
Director of Photography Geoff George, Steadycam Operator Stewart Smith, 1st AC Anton Miasnikov.
Production Design: Deka Brothers.
Costume: Angela McBride & Andrew Martina.
Snow FX: Michael Mendola, Michael Arnold, John McFarland
Torches: Jonathan D’Ambrosio, Anthony Ferrara, Fire Safety Ranger Ivory
Edit & Post: Deka Brothers
Sound design & Mix: David Couturier
Thanks to Eddie Rubin, Nik Tyckowski, Patrick Hartltey, Liz Moore (Meadow Brook Theater), Danny Mooney, Andrea Eis (Oakland University Cinema Studies Program).